Cosmopolitan - The Big Life Coach Con

I did an interview for March issue @cosmopolitanuk about my soul purpose coaching work - you can imagine how buzzed I was to be included in a magazine I’ve read since I borrowed my mum’s copy as a kid. For those old enough to remember it was when they used to feature stick figures in it.

Anyway, the journalist kindly emailed me to say it was out.⁣

I’m not gonna lie, I was shocked when I saw the cover ‘The big life coach con - the gurus cashing in at your expense.’ My stomach lurched and I felt sick as that was not the article I was told I was contributing too. Anyone who knows me, whether it’s through my soul purpose work, painting or book, will know I do everything with integrity, compassion and the deepest respect for the process. My dozens of testimonials reflect this, so I was seriously triggered to be included in an article about conning people. Truth be told I felt conned myself!

However after re-reading the article I realised it was written to expose the coaching industry - quite rightly calling out the fact that it’s unregulated. Whilst I’m certified and insured, many aren’t, so it’s vital that you do your due diligence before hiring a coach.⁣

There is a pyramid scheme running through the life coaching industry which needs called out - by the media and those involved so a massive THANK YOU to Cosmo & Jennifer for doing what they do best - shining a big spotlight, even if it nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw the front cover.

This is something we all need to look at under the microscope because clients can be vulnerable - hence reaching out for help - it’s our duty to take care of them.⁣

What have your experiences been with coaching?⁣ Are you a life coach? What’s your thoughts on how the industry could improve?⁣
