SuccesSoul Conversations with Salarah Starre (formerly Carolyne Bennett)

SuccesSoul Conversations is a series of conversations, based on my book How to be SuccesSoul®, with inspiring people about their spiritual journey and how they came to reconnect with their soul purpose or meaningful contribution. Designed to lift your spirits, shine a light on life's big questions and guide you towards becoming the person you were born to be.

Episode 15’s guest is Salarah Starre. Born into a household affected by alcoholism, enabling, severe mental illness and abuse, she grew up with a distorted view of the world which led to destructive behavioural patterns that nearly took her life. Salarah realised that she was the common denominator in these cycles of destruction and that she was the creator of her own reality. Salarah is now a master teacher in reiki, a mindfulness and meditation teacher, ETF and NLP practitioner and Law of Attraction expert.

Salarah now helps people with issues such as addiction, negative cycles affecting relationships, self-love and acceptance, connecting with life purpose and unlearning unhelpful behavioural patterns. She is living proof that the Law of Attraction works. In this episode she shares her story and the tools and tips to help you focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t.

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