SuccesSoul Conversations with Sue Stone

SuccesSoul Conversations is a series of conversations, based on my book How to be SuccesSoul®, with inspiring people about their spiritual journey and how they came to reconnect with their soul purpose. Designed to lift your spirits, shine a light on life's big questions and guide you towards becoming the person you were born to be.

Episode 17's guest is Sue Stone, a Human Potential and Transformational Leader. Sue went from £10 left in her purse, depressed, desperate and full of fear to becoming totally at peace, happy, financially free and a TV Secret Millionaire. She is the author of "The Power Within You Now!" and "Love Life, Live Life", and dedicates her life to helping others. A regularly in the media and TV presenter, Sue thrives on helping people from all walks of life across the world to create a life they love with personal empowerment, inspirational business mentoring and motivational speaking.

In this episode Sue shares how we can turn our lives around to become rich; in love, in joy, in health and in wealth.

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