SuccesSoul Conversations with Emma J Bell

SuccesSoul Conversations is a series of conversations, based on my book How to be SuccesSoul®, with inspiring people about their spiritual journey and how they came to reconnect with their soul purpose or meaningful contribution. Designed to lift your spirits, shine a light on life's big questions and guide you towards becoming the person you were born to be.

Episode 17's guest is Emma J Bell, an Executive Coach, Bestselling Author and Resilience Expert. Emma’s expertise lies in the personal development of individuals and in the relationship dynamics of senior teams. She has worked with thousands of leaders, managers and entrepreneurs to shift unhelpful thinking and behavioural habits so they can be fully confident, focussed and able to make the difference they are capable of. Emma dedicated 3 years of her life to researching what makes us resilient.

That research ultimately took her on a journey of over 35,000 miles to interview fifty ‘thrivers’ from around the world who have faced extreme challenge and change – and who are not just surviving, but thriving. She shares those strategies and the stories of those involved in her bestselling audiobook, ‘9 Secrets to Thriving’. In this episode we talk about the resilience, one of the most important qualities of successful individuals and what it takes to thrive in life. Emma shares some tips and advice that you can integrate into your life now.

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