The Art of Wellbeing - Alternatives Intuitive Painting Workshop, Saturday 12 March

How often do you play, let go, or totally trust your intuition? I bet the answer is “not enough.”

I can’t tell you how excited I am to be doing in person intuitive painting events again, and this one means so much to me.

I am a huge fan of Alternatives in London, having attended workshops and events there over the years. As the UK’s longest running weekly mind, body, spirit events company, internationally known as UK's landmark speaking platform for spiritual teachers, alternative thinkers, conscious business leaders and visionary thought provokers for the past 30+ years.

Having welcomed Ram Das, Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Gangaji, Julia Cameron, Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra, I am deeply honoured to have been invited to run my intuitive painting workshop on Saturday 12th March, Regent's University, Regents Park, London, 10am - 1pm.

Creating spontaneously helps release judgement and tune in to what you truly desire. This will be an interactive, activating, healing and fun workshop that will teach you to listen to what your soul is calling you towards. AND… you don’t need to consider yourself arty or have any previous painting experience.

To find out more and book tickets: Alternatives