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What does success mean to you? Is it an internal feeling, or an external striving?

For most of us, success is the ability to reach a goal, achieve some form of recognition and/or attain material wealth. This is shaped by modern society and, unfortunately, perpetuates a state of fear. How to be SuccesSoul is not a how-to manual for being successful in the modern sense of the word, although that is often a side effect of this journey. It is about success in the original sense of the word.

Like so much of our language, the original definition of success has changed over the centuries, and it started life as a completely different story. I believe that story, the energetic footprint of the original meaning, still resides within us.

All we have to do is access it by reframing the way we feel about it.

This is an excerpt from my new book How to be SuccesSoul® published on 19 October by @thatguyshouse


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