Seen and Unseen Exhibition

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With galleries closed due to Covid, I’m bringing my art to you. Seen and Unseen is a virtual exhibition from 24 – 27 September 2020.

The Seen and Unseen World Around Us
Vicky Paul

‘We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.’ - Rumi

Consumed by what is in front of us, or behind us, we have lost connection to what is inside us and around us. Despite intellectual advancements and improved conditions, we are still plagued by a deep routed, inexplicable search for purpose and meaning.

We may dabble with the idea of something greater than ourselves, especially if life takes a turn for the worse, however the essence of who we are, and the beauty that lies within, often remains hidden from our conscious awareness.

Humans are mind, body, spirit and soul, far more complex than our five senses have us believe. Our true nature is our spiritual being, our soul self, our essence. Our soul invites us to think, see, hear, feel and act differently. It authenticates us and connects us all as human beings. It is imagination, intuition, memory, hopes, dreams. It is transformation and transcendence. It is the very essence of humanity.

Whether we believe in a God, energy, the universe or something else, there will come a point on our journey when the ‘seen world’ - the daily brainwashing, patterns, cycles and routines; the social hypnosis and worldly pursuit of money, fame and aesthetics isn’t enough anymore. We find ourselves undeniably soul searching. We are being called to explore the ‘unseen world’.

As a spirit led intuitive artist, I am inspired by nature and the invisible space between mind and body that connects us all as human beings. My paintings are an expression of that energy, and a visual representation of the seen and unseen world around us. I create to awaken the soul and connect humanity.

This selection of current and new work is an invitation to blend with the awareness behind your thoughts and emotions, where purpose and meaning are found. It speaks to the deep nature of who we are. It speaks to our humanity.

Art is my way of expressing my connection with the universe. It is a visual communication of spirit and the beauty of both the seen and unseen world. Art allows us to reconnect with our soul. It is a visual meditation that stills the mind and allows the truth of who we are to surface. It is my deepest wish that my paintings speak to your soul and help you reconnect with your truth.

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