SuccesSoul Conversations with Christy Sanborn

SuccesSoul Conversations is a series of conversations, based on my book How to be SuccesSoul®, with inspiring people about their spiritual journey and how they came to reconnect with their soul purpose. Designed to lift your spirits, shine a light on life's big questions and guide you towards becoming the person you were born to be.

Episode 7’s guest is is Christy Sanborn an Inspirational Guidance and Law of Attraction Coach who helps you rediscover your purpose. I met Christy in New York walking past Grand Central Station where she had set up a pop up couch offering free guidance inspiration and advice. Christy loves people and loves bringing new perspectives to old problems. In this episode we discuss where the idea for the pop up couch came from, the law of attraction and how it works, being present and how to "be with".

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and share this video. xx

Vicky Paul