I'm Awake Now What Podcast with Krista Xiomara

I’m Awake Now What podcast is for anyone who is on the "Path." Every Sunday Krista speaks with inspiring guests about their journey through awakening, spiritual enlightenment and personal development. Her hope is that this podcast helps you along your own journey.

In this episode I open up about my early childhood experiences that revealed a deep knowingness. Challenged on what I knew internally by the adults and people around me, self doubt and denial crept in. We discuss that we can spend a lifetime reconnecting with the truth of who we are, and that’s okay. We also discuss how my artistry and spirituality merge and the way I channel while creating art.

Listen here: I'm Awake Now What Podcast with Krista Xiomara and don’t forget to support Krista’s podcast by leaving a review, sharing (cos it’s caring) and if you have any comments or questions let me know. xx

I'm Awake Now What Podcast
Vicky Paul