Has 2020 thrown you #growthbombs?

I hope you had a lovey Christmas? Mine was much quieter than usual, but that brought its own pleasures too, which was lovely.

I have (finally) welcomed this time to relax, to not think about work, selling my art, promoting my book or living my purpose - all of which has consumed me this year if I'm being honest. I'm allowing the time to pass without my usual interference. This has been a journey of restlessness, into idle surrender, then onto mild guilt, then back again to release and surrender. I have high energy and big dreams which is why I flow the way I do, however my higher self has been calling me to take my foot off the gas and slow down.

A lovely lady called Amanda told me recently that if I kept running so fast past the shop, I wouldn't see the window display or discover what was inside. 

Often, in our desire to reach our potential and manifest our vision, we miss the very insights that help us get there. This has been a long lesson for me, however 2020 has forced us all to slow down and pause outside the shop window, even if we haven’t be able to go inside due to lockdown!

There are so many different ways to slow down; from meditation, to mindfulness, going for a walk in nature, reading a book, painting, gardening or listening to podcasts (check out the podcasts in the other blog posts). Anything that allows you to be mentally at peace, physically rested, emotionally balanced or spiritually connected.

What have you done over the festive period to unwind? Have you been able to slow down and let go of the stresses and worries of 2020? We always reflect at this time of year and assess what we have achieved, accomplished or experienced. Have we learnt or grown? Are we closer to our goals, or have we scrapped our hopes and started all over again?

I took time out during the Winter Solstice Great Conjunction to write my intentions for 2021 – I do this every year but this time I created the space to consider what I desire in and for my life. For the last couple of years, I have been so focussed on writing and publishing my book, setting up my art business and working on soulful ways to be of service, that I kind of lost my way in the latter part of this year. 

Does this resonate with you? Have you been so outwardly focussed that when you finally slow down, you feel a little lost or confused about who you are or where you are going? In truth, this confusion is actually time trying to catch up with our growth – we are energetically in two different spaces, here and somewhere else, but not fully in either. Does that make sense?

I’m always open to exploring new ways to expand, especially when life feels bumpy or confusing. Having been on a spiritual journey for many years, I recognise these signs. I call them #growthbombs – moments of intense growth that impact our life in ways we might not always understand at the time.

I've had a few #growthbombs that are coming into clearer vision for me. The first is a 21 day ‘Rediscover Your Purpose’ online programme, based on my book How to be SuccesSoul®. The second is a much larger vision to create a membership community called The SuccesSoul Collective™.

If 2020 has left you feeling a little lost, unsatisfied or disconnected, or you have started to work through your own #growthbombs but need additional support, guidance and inspiration, then head to Online Courses for more information on my ‘Rediscover Your Purpose’ and The SuccesSoul Collective™ membership.

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